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From vanity to value: How significant is it to take influencer marketing to the next level?

Getting audience attention has become increasingly difficult for brands in today’s online world due to the insurmountable

Ready to level up your marketing game? Take a leaf out of Bose’s marketing book.

Creators are unquestionably changing the way digital marketing works, and collaboration between established brands and creators is only growing.

NFL's Strategic Partnership with Gen Z Influencers: A Game-Changer for Brand Marketing to Younger Audiences

As social media continues to pervade our lives, influencer marketing has emerged as a critical strategy for brands seeking to reach their target audience

Take a leaf out of affiliate relationships: increase accountability of influencer marketing

Although influencer marketing and affiliate marketing work with different strategies, both have been ruling the marketing world lately.

DTC brands are cracking influencer marketing. Learn what other brands can do.

Partnering with social media influencers to raise brand awareness, build emotional connections with their online community, and drive sales is quite common for DTC brands too.

When Dermatologists endorse your brand – CeraVe and expert influencer marketing

In today’s creator economy, Influencers are good for your brand. They bring the elements of social proof, credibility and trust to the mix. When the influencer is an authority or an expert in the field, it raises things to a whole different level.

The rise of the De-influencing Trend: How should brands handle this?

In recent weeks, a new trend known as "de-influencing" has gained momentum in social media with the massive trending of the hashtag "de-influencing."

Transition of Influencer Marketing: Project-Based to Long-Term Approach

Marketers seek longer-term relationships with influencers as well as influencer marketing agencies as influencer marketing matures. The change comes as marketers shift away from project-based approaches toward a longer-term vision. Nowadays, influencer marketing agencies have started to participate in strategy meetings alongside other agencies.

Japan’s Crackdown on Stealth Marketing and Its Repercussions on Influencer Marketing

Japan is set to regulate stealth marketing, whether conducted offline or online. Stealth marketing is a practice that involves paying influencers or celebrities to advertise a product or service under the guise of a genuine opinion.

How the Rise of Virtual Influencers and AI will Transform Influencer Marketing?

As influencer marketing is expanding rapidly, several businesses are experimenting with new ways to leverage creator content.


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