Combination of AI and metaverse: A new beginning for brands and marketers?

Published: April 28, 2023

min read

Artificial intelligence and the metaverse are both prominent technologies that have the potential to improve people's lives and increase the efficiency of many business processes.

Although the AI boom has taken attention away from the metaverse and the investments in it, Roblox is making an effort to bring the two technologies together.

Roblox, the gaming platform, is using generative AI to democratise content creation and remove technical barriers for its users. The offerings from Roblox will include voice and text-brd bots designed specifically for creating game-ready assets.

Stefano Corazza, head of Roblox Studio, recently spoke to Ad Age about how the company is using AI to make the metaverse the most interactive space. Below are some insights we gained from the interview.

Our goal is to democratize the creation of content as much as possible, and generative AI is a way to jumpstart this.

Stefano Corazza,

Head of Roblox Studio

One of the most significant challenges of the metaverse is that it requires a massive amount of content to exist. The lack of content has always been an impediment to metaverse adoption, but with generative AI, anyone can create an entire world with just an idea.

While asked about using customized AI tools, he answered that the purpose of using customized AI tools in Roblox over others like ChatGPT or the Midjourney API is primarily for the generation of code. That is, if Roblox allows users to use generic co-pilot, then there would be no training on Roblox's scripting language, whereas their large language models (LLMs) are basically fine-tuned to their use case.

Marketers who feel divided between the metaverse and AI can find solace in the fact that Roblox uses AI to enhance rather than replace the user experience.

How can the combination of AI and the metaverse assist marketers in business growth in the metaverse?

Although the metaverse can offer massive opportunities for marketers in terms of business growth, it is still in its early stages. And with the evolution of AI, businesses have almost decided the metaverse is dead and AI is only the future.

At this point in time, Roblox’s new move to use AI for the growth of the metaverse is a super-genius stroke, and nobody knows where it will end.

However, we believe the idea is a windfall and can be a new beginning for marketers to create sophisticated virtual experiences and engaging customer experiences in the metaverse.

Here are a few ways, in our opinion, AI can help marketers intensify their brands’ presence and opportunities in the metaverse:

  • As virtual experiences are more about creating massive content, with the help of AI, marketers can create realistic avatars and simulate real-life interactions to enhance the user experience and increase customer engagement.
  • While using AI in the metaverse, marketers will be able to automate repetitive tasks. It will help them save time and enhance cost-effectiveness.
  • Marketers can use AI to gain better insights on users' behaviour and preferences so that they can deliver personalized messages and offers to their audiences.
  • With AI, marketers can better analyse and segment audience data from the metaverse. This, in turn, helps them sharpen their targeting and improve engagement rates.
  • AI can also be used to analyse and predict trends in the metaverse. This can be beneficial for marketers to tweak the campaign strategies so as to make the content resonate well with the target audiences and improve conversions.

The metaverse and AI are undeniably powerful combinations that businesses must consider to shape the future of their businesses. As the metaverse is all about creating innovative ways for customers to engage with brands, we believe more businesses will soon adopt the Roblox strategy and take a step forward towards the metaverse.


Pete Johnson

Pete is a MarTech expert guru with a knack for getting diverse MarTech solutions work for brands. He has a wealth of experience in working with a plethora of MarTech platforms that dive Personalized Omnichannel Experiences. When he's not at work, you can find him playing basketball or listening to jazz.


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